The summer is a time of fun, food, and freedom! There are fireworks, fourth of July, and family time. Here are some pictures and accompanying stories to them:
A scrumptious bowel of oatmeal topped with blueberries.
Time for celebrating grandpas birthday! Here is a quick snapshot of the dinner menu from dessert (chocolate brownie sponge cake) to veggies and pasta!
On an evening summer night it's always fun to drink something warm and tasty. Try making tea out of strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.
Some exotic looking fruit and veggies from a garden: mint, strawberry, and peppers. |
A nice salad for lunch consists of the following: grated carrots, cucumber, sliced onions, lettuce, and a handful of almonds! |
Homemade baking is a blast. You mix ingredients and formulate something great and fun! Here's the end product of brownie cupcakes with cocoa. |
Flowers brighten up anyone's day. Buy some every now and again to smell the goodness of the plants. |
A quick lunch is sometimes needed, so get some blueberries, some raw mild cheddar cheese, and a green super smoothie. |
When you want a light dinner have a cup of green tea with cucumbers and almonds. Top it all off with coconut oil to give you that luscious sweet flavor. Enjoy! |