Summer is officially upon us, can you feel it? We have sun, rain, and everything in between with the unpredictability of the weather. So many wonderful things this month, so let's get started!

Here we go folks: On June 21, 2015 we have Father's Day, the first official day of summer, and the summer solstice (in the northern hemisphere) which creates the longest day of the year because the sun is at its highest northernmost point in the sky. The solstice marks the onset of summer, and basically it means the "midnight sun"; that is, the sun is able to shine on earth all day (at noon the sun appears to be at its highest elevation or altitude above the horizon, occurring at the moment the earth’s tilt toward the sun is at a maximum).* This noontime position changes very minimally for the days directly preceding and following the summer solstice. I think it was the latest sunset of summer, at around 9pm: fun in the sun all day, literally! Solstice means "sun stands still", so we here on earth feel as though we are a bit woozy (reminisce if you were feeling drunk Father's Day weekend without any alcohol in your system!)
Favorite song(s):
This one is great and inspired all by my amazingly musical loving dad (which works great, since it's Father's Day as well!) First off I gotta say YouTube is totally awesome. Once you finish listening to a particular song, YouTube follows it up automatically with a similarly themed song that was previously played. Highly sensitive and specific, it really is superb. The first song that I am in love with is called: "TornerĂ³"(1974) by the Italian group I Santo California . The second song is "Ti amo" (1977) by Italian singer Umberto Tozzi. The third is: "Mamma Maria" (1982) by Ricchi e Poveri. I see there is an Italian theme going on. Take a listen to these and let me know what you think.
How to steal a million (1966) is such a refreshingly smart comedic movie without too much unneeded drama and emotional tension like today's movies possess. Such a lovely movie with Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole partnering up in crime and in love. Gather your family and friends and make a night of it.
How to steal a million (1966) is such a refreshingly smart comedic movie without too much unneeded drama and emotional tension like today's movies possess. Such a lovely movie with Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole partnering up in crime and in love. Gather your family and friends and make a night of it.
Favorite quote:
"We interrupted each other
to say the same thing"

Have a great summer y'all!
XOXO- Lusciously Levi