Thursday, April 4, 2013

April Awakening

Thursday, April 4, 2013 
              Sometimes you go through hard times where nothing makes sense. You may discover that you are angry at the world and that nobody understands you. When that takes a toll on your live and that is all you ever think about, you do not have to think of anything. Clear out your mind and try and not control it. Trust in the good and pray when you can, because you are strong and you can get through this.

                                        Challenges make you stronger❤

*Side note: Not to be confused with food sensitivities, which may make you feel insane, so check out your blood tests for delayed food sensitivities to make sure that the food you are eating is not making you feel so depressed and confused.*

 Friday, April 5, 2013

Strawberry multi-effects picture: Playing around with filters is always fun, so here's an interesting combination of some yummy strawberries!

 Monday, April 8, 2013

Strawberries n'cream

A nice and healthy berry snack consisting of strawberries, maple syrup, and sour cream, enjoy!


                          Wednesday, April 10, 2013

120 degrees on a spring day! 









                                           Dinner time!

It's very warm out just in time for the spring season!

Dinner consisting of lentils, a vegetable broth (cooked peppers, a bit of ketchup, and onions), some cheddar cheese, and garlic on the side!


Monday, April 15, 2013

Birthday food!

Our typical birthday celebrations consist of some good old fashioned homemade food. ❤