Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Juicing with Ginger

Juicing is a great way to add a unique variety of vegetables to our typical daily diets. In addition, Ginger can be added for a great source of nutrition. 

Ginger juice

We are slowly becoming aware of the many benefits of juicing. Aside form all of the celebrities juicing in order to maintain their slim figures, juicing provides one with a great quality of nutrition.
One main source of this guaranteed nutrition from juicing is the fact that it is derived from a large amount of fruits and vegetables that instead of taking a lot of time to chew, we can simply drink it up in half the time. In addition, the recommended 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetable makes it hard for us to eat so much. Thus, juicing makes the accurate portions quickly and efficiently digestible.
Another valuable aspect to juicing is the fact that is basically better absorbed into our bloodstream. In essence, all of the nutrients and vitamins from the fruits and vegetables are quickly able to digest these foods; the juicing almost acts as a pre-digestive contribution to our overall gut. That is great news for us, since we have an average American diet that prevents us to digest our ingested foods at an even normal rate.
Juicing is a great way to add a unique variety of vegetables to our typical daily diets.
Ginger Juice with Greens!

 In addition, Ginger can be added for a great source of nutrition. Ginger contains a chemical that can basically inhibit inflammation. If you feel nauseous, try a Ginger smoothie or juice. The chemicals that are contained in this ginger are able to influence the digestion in the stomach and the intestines. The chemicals may also possibly reach the nervous system in an effort to control that feelings of nausea. Ginger aids the flu as well. When you begin to feel under the weather, take a few sips of ginger juices and it should help relatively quickly. Ginger has been shown to boost the overall immune-system. Thus, is makes us stronger, faster.

Ginger in all its glory 
 in a bunch

Ingredients for one cup of juice

  • 3 Romaine, leafs
  • 1 Kirby
  • 1 Tomato
  • 2 Celery, stalks
  • 1 Garlic, cloves
  • parsley, for taste
  • dill, for taste
  • ginger, for taste

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