Spring time brings out the hungry squirrels. These guys are running to us and standing tall looking for any good they can get. Next time we are bringing some crackers!
Below the squirrels I added a nice healthy creation of egg with mashed potato picture. Tasty and fulfilling!
Here are all of the weather reports and we have had some dramatic increases and decreases in weather patterns!
Time for some chocolate cake with a white looking flower in the center! Oh the sweet tooth people get excited. Inside you have some luscious marshmallow, chocolate waffles, and cream. It's great with a hot steaming cup of tea. "No need to add sugar as cake is all the needed sugar (quote from my grandpa)"
The springtime in June is warm and sunny. Here are the yummy homemade chicken cutlets that smell spicy fresh. ( for a great extra flavor try adding turmerica dash of sea salt, oregano, onion, and eggs, along with the the white meat itself)
Remember, organic is best and healthiest*
The sky is clear and bright blue. You can see the pinkish sunset merge together with the clouds and sky, beautiful! The ocean is a prominent blue color, getting warmer with the weather and sun as well.
Generally when we feel stressed out, let's take some time to just look up at the sky, part of the beauty of the world around us. We can learn to appreciate it in all it's glory. Let's find that center within us and through the nature surrounding us, merge with it, and gain clarity and peace. 🙏
Sunday, May 26, 2013
A Bit of Ranting Today :)
Dalai Lama's Wise Words
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.
-so simple, so ideal, and so hard to master.
-a learning process, a lifetime of behaving in a certain way.
-Let us all learn this, breathe this, and do this a bit more often in our daily lives.
Don't put people down
We try to be the best we can be. But what we need to remember that other people shouldn't be taken advantage of. There is a shame in putting others down but feeling initial superiority. This seems to be some kind of psychological complex enforced by insecure individuals in an effort to maintain some sort of falsified image they have once created. When people miss out on their own confidence, they play out on people's nerves, or attempt to anyway. We have the power to build an imaginary wall and inhibit any remarks that come hither in our direction.
Have a piece of dark chocolate and a banana (for an extra sweet and yummy taste) and be happy! Indulge yourself once in a while and treat yourself as priority, always. Love yourself.
Ladies, we all have "The List" of what we expect our man to be like. His family, money, background, manners, etc.: the explicit and specific qualities that will make sense for a husband, father, mate, and partner. But why is it when we meet a man that grabs our attention, we throw that list out, or partially anyhow? When we gravitate toward someone specific, is it based solely on "The List", or is there some wiggle room there?
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.
-so simple, so ideal, and so hard to master.
-a learning process, a lifetime of behaving in a certain way.
-Let us all learn this, breathe this, and do this a bit more often in our daily lives.
Don't put people down
We try to be the best we can be. But what we need to remember that other people shouldn't be taken advantage of. There is a shame in putting others down but feeling initial superiority. This seems to be some kind of psychological complex enforced by insecure individuals in an effort to maintain some sort of falsified image they have once created. When people miss out on their own confidence, they play out on people's nerves, or attempt to anyway. We have the power to build an imaginary wall and inhibit any remarks that come hither in our direction.
Have a piece of dark chocolate and a banana (for an extra sweet and yummy taste) and be happy! Indulge yourself once in a while and treat yourself as priority, always. Love yourself.
Ladies, we all have "The List" of what we expect our man to be like. His family, money, background, manners, etc.: the explicit and specific qualities that will make sense for a husband, father, mate, and partner. But why is it when we meet a man that grabs our attention, we throw that list out, or partially anyhow? When we gravitate toward someone specific, is it based solely on "The List", or is there some wiggle room there?
Food Time USA!
Dear Diary,
Watching tv, just ate breakfast, studying psychology. Yesterday was freezing but nice out. Me and my family went out to a farmers market and bought delicious fresh fruit. Among the delectable Fuji apples, hot apple cider, apple plain donuts, scallops, french baguettes, and apple muffins were all purchased as well. We proceeded to take a walk in a park even though it was breezy and chilly out.
Listening to Taylor Swift I knew you were Trouble and Charlie Chaplin theme songs.
Juniors cheesecake factory in NYC is spectacularly unique. They produce an original taste of pure cheesecake with additional toppings and/or extras in your preferred specialty.
Fruits, the natural sources of sugar (fructose and glucose). Take your pick and alternate from apples to pears, grapefruits to mangos, or kiwis to oranges; just make sure to eat them before they go bad!
Tuesday Dinner
1) Carrots and apples for a refreshing homemade carrot juice.
2) Traditional meat and potatoes, with a few string beans.
Watching tv, just ate breakfast, studying psychology. Yesterday was freezing but nice out. Me and my family went out to a farmers market and bought delicious fresh fruit. Among the delectable Fuji apples, hot apple cider, apple plain donuts, scallops, french baguettes, and apple muffins were all purchased as well. We proceeded to take a walk in a park even though it was breezy and chilly out.
Listening to Taylor Swift I knew you were Trouble and Charlie Chaplin theme songs.
Juniors cheesecake factory in NYC is spectacularly unique. They produce an original taste of pure cheesecake with additional toppings and/or extras in your preferred specialty.
Fruits, the natural sources of sugar (fructose and glucose). Take your pick and alternate from apples to pears, grapefruits to mangos, or kiwis to oranges; just make sure to eat them before they go bad!
Tuesday Dinner
1) Carrots and apples for a refreshing homemade carrot juice.
2) Traditional meat and potatoes, with a few string beans.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Memorial Weekend Inspiration
What is Memorial Day anyway? We celebrate it every year, school and work is off, and we enjoy some family fun. But sales aside, what's the actual history behind it all? Well, as we salute every American hero on this day who served in the United States Armed Forces, we remain truly grateful as American citizens.
Today specifically, we remember that the men and women who support us fight for us. So on this day every year, we commemorate the soldiers who died in the Civil War and beyond. Let us come together in support and honor the great work that the military service continuously provides for us, including safety, freedom, and peace! The traditional observance
on Memorial Day is the raised United States Flag and then it respectively lowers until noon. It represents the process during the day, and through this process, we respect and remember the millions of both men and women who gave their lives to the service of their country. Let us participate, and honor and rise as we realize what the American Flag stands for: liberty and justice for all.
Weekend Quote: Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Weekend Thought: We have different ideas of soul mates. Sometimes we obsess over the ideal form, but that's irrelevant. The main thing that a soul mate should provide for us is a better "us". A better you, a better me. That's it, simply. The person makes you a better person and you him. It's a give and take, equally. It is magical though, because the feeling of being your true self and someone not only validating it but enhancing it is all we need from someone. To help us grow, reach our wisdom, and make the world a better place should bring us peace at the end of the day.
Weekend To-Do: To do good and feel good you must take the first steps to acquire success. These steps are based on your desires to achieve your dreams. Remember, there is no competition, only progress to be completed. Take action ❤
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A delicious weekend breakfast! This french toast is yummy and satisfying, with cheese, a bit of whole butter, and a sizzle of maple syrup! |
A cup of tea, some warm sunshine, and a clear blue sky in New York (first March weekend of 2013)
Answers to some of your questions!
I am not a medical doctor, I'm just sharing my healthy routines in matters of stress and overall lifestyles, enjoy!
6) Favorite food: healthy food is tasty food, my favorite snack would be almonds.
7) In terms of alcohol content, not sure which brand or amount for each, so I won't comment so as not to misinform you.
8) Singing or talking, we can say good things or bad things. Not all songs are happy songs. Therefore, we should treat our fellow humans with respect and be kind to one another and not speak or sing with violence.
9) Depending on the type of diet you have, when eating salad, it's better not to add salad dressing. An alternative could be to add a splash of apple cider vinegar once in a while for that added taste. While its not too bad, it really does depend on the type of dressing. I'd say stay away from the dressings that have unnecessary fats. Another good thing is to add some extra Virgin olive oil or a piece of organic cheese or chicken for protein into the salad to make it a complete meal!
10) For stiff joints, exercise can always be modified and the same positive result can occur. Depending on what kind of stiff joints you have, I would say when excising, try yoga in a seated position. There are many YouTube videos that can show you great exercises to strengthen your muscles and not really affecting those joints. Pilates can be another option. They make you more flexible, easing those joints. If you do not want to do excercise of cannot of the pain, walking is the best thing you can do. It increases oxygen to all the joints. Just half an hour a day at least, it will make your circulation better. Eating some coconut oil is also a great option, as it can alleviate the pain and add some comfort. Spreading that coconut oil on the stiff joints might also be good. Flax-seed oil is another great thing, as it gets absorbed and gives you many omega-3 goodness! Sometimes drinking a bit of Apple Cider Vinegar can help too. Physical therapy is another idea. There are many ideas and some things work better for different people. It is all about trying something healthy. While it is similar to exercise, they are professional and can help you in a positive way as well. Just be sure to talk to your doctor before trying something new if you are injured.
11) Many people have been asking about being skinny. This is not a big issue. If you are eating healthy and feel good, your weight will go according to plan. Everyone has a different body structure. The important thing would be to love yourself for who you are! After that, make sure you eat a healthy diet with lots of good protein (meat, cheese, beans, etc.) Also, to lose weight and keep it off do not eat after 6pm, as digestion decreases when the sun goes down. In addition, make sure to get movement in your day every day, whether that is walking, running, working out, yoga, etc. Make your body sweat a bit every day and you are doing a good thing.
12) Acne is a big issue these days. This is also a sign of imbalanced hormones, to an extent. Now you know why teens are so wild with acne running around. Their hormones are out of whack and they are just insane sometimes! Anyway, that is natural and it eases down as they get older. However, if it gets so extreme, it would be wise to get some sort of treatment for it. Therefore, you should try different things until you find one remedy that works great for you. Sometimes cleaning your face with soup and then putting a bit of coconut oil might actually help. Laugh, but it still can have some progress. Another thing would be to use baking soda. This has actually helped a few close friends of mine. You mix is with water and just dabble it on your face every day or so. Lemon juice is another great option. Put it on your face where needed. Organic mud masks sometime help too, as they could clean out the pores from within. Glam glow is a great product on the market for now. Do not forget that using make up can easily make you have more acne. Also, the foods you eat are also a big factor. Stay away from oily food such as fried and sweets such as sugar and chocolate.
1) Is it true that by eating natural fruits you can increase your chance of getting diabetes?
Not necessarily. It is usually based on your genes and your lifestyle may influence it as well. These days, Americans love fruits, so much so that we might actually be over eating them! When it comes to natural fruit, they have many benefits such as vitamins and antioxidants, but a lot of sugar comes with it as well. Therefore, moderation is key here. Like anything else, you should not overeat anything, as that is not healthy and can lead to health problems later on. With diabetes, there are two kinds: Type 1 diabetes is usually genetically based and Type 2 diabetes is possibly gained by lifestyle including diet and environment. Ultimately, the natural sugar in fruits can increase blood sugar so small portions should be fine for the average person. You can monitor your blood sugar, and ask your doctor if you have any specific questions. If you eat a lot of fruit consistently, you can possibly increase your blood sugar, which may or may not increase your chances for diabetes, depending on the individual. Basically, it is good to have personalized guidelines according to your daily fruit intake so that you can control how much sugar you are ingesting into your body. Also, it depends on the fruits you chose. Grapes and bananas, for example, have a lot of sugar in them, while berries have much less. So, you can modify your choices accordingly. Most importantly, every person is different. Some people just can not have too much sugar, as their previous diets might have been carbohydrate based. It is wise to test your blood sugar before and right after eating fruits, so you can see whether or not you have to be cautious about it affecting your overall health.
2) I have difficulty falling asleep at night, do you have any advice for it?
Some great things to do before you go to sleep is make a routine for yourself. It should not be a one time thing. Try to not watch television or go on the computer right before you sleep, as that will excite you and not clam you down. Also, maybe listen to some soothing classical music to calm your nerves. Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing are also great techniques that get you ready to sleep and reduce your stress that makes it hard to fall asleep in the first place. While there are teas that typically relieve stress, homeopathic remedies are also great. Some of those include, Escholtzschia Californica (Callifornia Poppy, which help you if you can not fall asleep of wake up in the middle of the night, and Passiflora Incarnata (Passionflower), which might help you if you have insomnia. So, overall, you will need to adjust your sleeping patterns in a way that benefit your sleeping and stress levels. A mix of yoga and homeopathy can benefit you as they both focus on the whole body as a way to heal and calm.
3) I have a question about coconut oil, people say it is healthy but how exactly can you incorporate it into your daily diet?
Coconut oil is great and can be used in many different ways. You can take a table spoon with your meals, use it as body lotion, add some into your tea, or make treats with it. It can make you lose weight as well, as it has great digestive properties. You can even use it as makeup remover or make deodorant with it! It really is handy these days, as it is healthy and practical. Put it on your feet if and toes you have athletes foot. Enjoy your coconut oil, as it has many health benefits and increases brain function.
4) What is the quickest way to calm down in an anxious or nervous situation?
Well, we all know that there are stressful and anxious situations that make us feel unstable. If we are internally strong, we would feel less of that nervous energy. That being said, we must be able to calm down our minds. Our minds can ultimately control how we react to anxiety. This tactic is a long term idea that can sustain our nerves. Therefore, the quickest way to clam yourself down in a stressful situation that has the potential to make you nervous might include deep breathing. This makes you focus on yourself. Next, try to put your attention and focus on something that does not make you nervous, like a good book, a comedy, or some homeopathic remedies (# 2 ^). Another quick way to cal down might be to take an old toy that you used to play in your childhood, and just play with it. Might sound odd, but its actually soothing. A piece of dark chocolate can also calm you down as it has a natural calming molecule (PEA). My favorite way to cal down quickly would be to inhale 3 deep counts positive energy and exhale 3 counts the negative thoughts and energy.
5) Lately I heard that adding Chia seeds to your diet can be healthy?
True, these days, more and more people are finding great and valuable health benefits to incorporating chia seeds into their daily diets. While traditionally we have been taught that flax seeds are great for our immune health, chia seeds can be a great addition. We know that flax seeds are great for us with the added omega 3 fatty acids, but sometimes it might be a bit harsh for us to digest that fiber with people who have sensitive digestion. While chia seeds also have that omega 3 component which can protect our immune systems against inflammation, it may also be easier on our overall digestion. Chia seeds are a whole-grain, which the body absorbs as seeds. Flax-seeds, however, do not get absorbed by the body that way. Weight loss is one major concern for people. Chia seeds have known to inhibit food cravings which is great for people who do not want to gain weight. In addition, chia seeds may reduce your blood pressure, possibly, if eaten over a long period of time. Chia seeds can also add some hydration to your body, which improves circulation, oxygen, etc. In terms of diabetes, these seeds might possibly even control your blood sugar. Overall, chia seeds should be considered as a new food to add to your lifestyle for healthy doses of protein, fiber, calcium, and antioxidants. Some great way to use your chia seeds would be to add them in your blended juice, eat them raw, or even add them to your main dish of food at dinner time. Be creative here, and enjoy the healthy aspect of chia seeds!
4) What is the quickest way to calm down in an anxious or nervous situation?
Well, we all know that there are stressful and anxious situations that make us feel unstable. If we are internally strong, we would feel less of that nervous energy. That being said, we must be able to calm down our minds. Our minds can ultimately control how we react to anxiety. This tactic is a long term idea that can sustain our nerves. Therefore, the quickest way to clam yourself down in a stressful situation that has the potential to make you nervous might include deep breathing. This makes you focus on yourself. Next, try to put your attention and focus on something that does not make you nervous, like a good book, a comedy, or some homeopathic remedies (# 2 ^). Another quick way to cal down might be to take an old toy that you used to play in your childhood, and just play with it. Might sound odd, but its actually soothing. A piece of dark chocolate can also calm you down as it has a natural calming molecule (PEA). My favorite way to cal down quickly would be to inhale 3 deep counts positive energy and exhale 3 counts the negative thoughts and energy.
5) Lately I heard that adding Chia seeds to your diet can be healthy?
True, these days, more and more people are finding great and valuable health benefits to incorporating chia seeds into their daily diets. While traditionally we have been taught that flax seeds are great for our immune health, chia seeds can be a great addition. We know that flax seeds are great for us with the added omega 3 fatty acids, but sometimes it might be a bit harsh for us to digest that fiber with people who have sensitive digestion. While chia seeds also have that omega 3 component which can protect our immune systems against inflammation, it may also be easier on our overall digestion. Chia seeds are a whole-grain, which the body absorbs as seeds. Flax-seeds, however, do not get absorbed by the body that way. Weight loss is one major concern for people. Chia seeds have known to inhibit food cravings which is great for people who do not want to gain weight. In addition, chia seeds may reduce your blood pressure, possibly, if eaten over a long period of time. Chia seeds can also add some hydration to your body, which improves circulation, oxygen, etc. In terms of diabetes, these seeds might possibly even control your blood sugar. Overall, chia seeds should be considered as a new food to add to your lifestyle for healthy doses of protein, fiber, calcium, and antioxidants. Some great way to use your chia seeds would be to add them in your blended juice, eat them raw, or even add them to your main dish of food at dinner time. Be creative here, and enjoy the healthy aspect of chia seeds!
6) Favorite food: healthy food is tasty food, my favorite snack would be almonds.
7) In terms of alcohol content, not sure which brand or amount for each, so I won't comment so as not to misinform you.
8) Singing or talking, we can say good things or bad things. Not all songs are happy songs. Therefore, we should treat our fellow humans with respect and be kind to one another and not speak or sing with violence.
9) Depending on the type of diet you have, when eating salad, it's better not to add salad dressing. An alternative could be to add a splash of apple cider vinegar once in a while for that added taste. While its not too bad, it really does depend on the type of dressing. I'd say stay away from the dressings that have unnecessary fats. Another good thing is to add some extra Virgin olive oil or a piece of organic cheese or chicken for protein into the salad to make it a complete meal!
10) For stiff joints, exercise can always be modified and the same positive result can occur. Depending on what kind of stiff joints you have, I would say when excising, try yoga in a seated position. There are many YouTube videos that can show you great exercises to strengthen your muscles and not really affecting those joints. Pilates can be another option. They make you more flexible, easing those joints. If you do not want to do excercise of cannot of the pain, walking is the best thing you can do. It increases oxygen to all the joints. Just half an hour a day at least, it will make your circulation better. Eating some coconut oil is also a great option, as it can alleviate the pain and add some comfort. Spreading that coconut oil on the stiff joints might also be good. Flax-seed oil is another great thing, as it gets absorbed and gives you many omega-3 goodness! Sometimes drinking a bit of Apple Cider Vinegar can help too. Physical therapy is another idea. There are many ideas and some things work better for different people. It is all about trying something healthy. While it is similar to exercise, they are professional and can help you in a positive way as well. Just be sure to talk to your doctor before trying something new if you are injured.
11) Many people have been asking about being skinny. This is not a big issue. If you are eating healthy and feel good, your weight will go according to plan. Everyone has a different body structure. The important thing would be to love yourself for who you are! After that, make sure you eat a healthy diet with lots of good protein (meat, cheese, beans, etc.) Also, to lose weight and keep it off do not eat after 6pm, as digestion decreases when the sun goes down. In addition, make sure to get movement in your day every day, whether that is walking, running, working out, yoga, etc. Make your body sweat a bit every day and you are doing a good thing.
12) Acne is a big issue these days. This is also a sign of imbalanced hormones, to an extent. Now you know why teens are so wild with acne running around. Their hormones are out of whack and they are just insane sometimes! Anyway, that is natural and it eases down as they get older. However, if it gets so extreme, it would be wise to get some sort of treatment for it. Therefore, you should try different things until you find one remedy that works great for you. Sometimes cleaning your face with soup and then putting a bit of coconut oil might actually help. Laugh, but it still can have some progress. Another thing would be to use baking soda. This has actually helped a few close friends of mine. You mix is with water and just dabble it on your face every day or so. Lemon juice is another great option. Put it on your face where needed. Organic mud masks sometime help too, as they could clean out the pores from within. Glam glow is a great product on the market for now. Do not forget that using make up can easily make you have more acne. Also, the foods you eat are also a big factor. Stay away from oily food such as fried and sweets such as sugar and chocolate.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
"I am Kalam"
“I am Kalam"
1) The scene from the film that touched me occurred when Kalam and the prince met in Delhi, after Lucy hears Kalam playing music with the wood. When Kalam and the prince hugged, there was a sense of pure innocence, love, and trust. This was a turning point in the movie, as both Kalam and the prince realized the truth about their lives, and the prince told his father that Kalam was the person who wrote his speech for school. In addition, the prince said that Kalam does not lie and he did not steal any money from the restaurant. I believe this scene is important as it shows us that people are able to be angry with their best friends, and family, but in the end, they care for them and want the best for them; they support them. This is what occurred in this scene in the film. Kalam went to Delhi to try and find a better life, as he believed in the pride and excitement that Lucy advertised, as well as the TV, etc. When his own family and friends accused him of stealing money, he could not believe his own mother didn’t trust him, so he escaped his home and decided to run away. Kalam is confident and observant, and he is a truly optimistic person. The scene proves he is also brave, jetting off to another country and playing music for the people. He wants to be accepted, but most of all, he desires to be appreciated for his honesty.
2) The role of the European girl in Kalam’s life is extremely significant regarding the whole movie. Ever since she comes to Kalam’s town, she brings a new, vibrant sense of adventure and opportunity that Kalam has not yet seen. In addition, she brings with her a sense of excitement and possibility for a better life. She speaks a different language, and teaches it to Kalam, which is the first step to accomplishing his dream. It is something new to Kalam, and he feels that this opportunity will make him successful. She brings an essence of freedom, and a way out of Kalam’s situation in his town; he is cleaning dishes, but he wants to learn about the world. This is a way for him to be optimistic about the world and beyond, and his imagination is revolving around this exploration sensation that he has yet to complete. The European girl’s adventurous experience ultimately serves as a foundational system for Kalam’s “plans” for his future in success and overall educating himself and finding something more for himself.
3) A tradition that I found fascinating throughout the movie revolved around what the “truth” can do to you. The truth is said to set you free, and in this movie, this proves just that. The young prince took the initiative and contained a virtuous nature and courageous character to tell his father, the King, that Kalam was not lying, when the whole town, even Kalam’s mother, accused Kalam of stealing. This willful characteristic serves as a direct inclination of being honest for the sake of being a good person. Even though they are young boys, Kalam and the prince know of the meaning of honesty and ultimately represent and maintain a powerful sense of self. They are role models and exhibit positive skills that should be appreciated and respected.
In addition to honesty, education and observation were prominent features throughout the movie that were fascinating as well. The image of education was only looked upon positively to rich people, with high positions or royalty. For a “commoner” like Kalam, it was looked down upon because people assumed it would not benefit his situation. Ultimately, the source of education is seen as not a rebuke, but a path of opportunities. The tie/television scenes portrayed an educational societal intrigue to Kalam that inspired his drive and ambition. Kalam appreciated and was attracted to new things such as the tie. Throughout the movie, it served as a sense of dignity to Kalam that was his drive and motivation.
Observation is an important characteristic that Kalam contains. His consistency in listening and watching people and mimicking them after, proves that he is an exceptionally gifted boy. This observing process influences his decision to study and to become something bigger than himself. He believes in himself, and has a sense of confidence that is instilled in him; his determination is a crucial key in succeeding. He is always exploring, on the move to bigger and better things, whether it be learn to read a book, or healing a donkey. His mother said that “His mind works fast than a train”. This fact contends the fact that Kalam was smart, observant, and ultimately picked up certain things on the spot and could imitate them almost perfectly. An example would be the instrument that he plays for the first time. He could play it flawlessly, because of his observant way of life. He wants to learn everything and everything surrounding his environment. Some people are content, but Kalam was always searching for something and wanted to be challenged.
4) In my culture, education is seen is a must. All children growing up are expected to go to school, and continue with college, especially the people that are not financially well off. This is the opposite in the film ‘I am Kalam”. His mother did not encourage him to go to college, or even school at all. She thought his place was in the restaurant, working and laboring, without every trying for something better. She did not know of life beyond the town. Kalam, on the other hand, had a dream, believed in it, and took initiative towards conquering it. In my culture, some parents want their children to experience their own mistakes but others, including my parents, guide us and show us that education is one of the most important things. With education, we learn, thrive, and become better people and contribute to the world we live in. In every culture, we are all looking for knowledge, expression, and understanding. However, the way in which we express those traits, vary accordingly.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare Essay
Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare
Shakespeare uses “stuff” in various different meaning throughout the
Shakespeare’s use of the word “stuff” in Much Ado About Nothing represents a Germanic origin, initiating Anglo Saxon. This often contributes to a direct form of utilizing language. Germanic words are short, basic words that are forceful definitions which are daily used. “Stuff” is commonly material, furniture, or cloth. The specific etymology is ambiguous, yet it seems to be derived from Old High German. When “stuff” is referred to material, it represents a noun. During 1596, Harington used “stuff” as a stock of food. In the early 1600’s, Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors, Othello, Tempest, and Cymbeline all used “stuff” to mean equipment, stores, or stock. In addition, it refers to the baggage of a soldier. Military connotations were a central theme during Shakespearean times. “Stuff” also describes the substance or material of which anything consists of. “Stuff” can be packaged or grouped into collections. This translates to physical things that consist of body, which are visible, tangible items that could be manipulated. Similarly, Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar use of “stuff” regards what a person is ‘made of’; this describes an inward character and solid qualities of one’s intellect. While Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing gives a simple representation of “stuff” as something internal that Beatrice might feel in her heart, the formerly introduced opposing definitions give rise to a new physical meaning of the word “stuff”.
In Act 3, Scene 1, Hero is proclaiming her high opinions of Benedick. Beatrice eavesdrops and Hero is aware of it. Thus, Hero continues to build Benedick up for Beatrice’s sake to inspire Beatrice to fall in love with Benedick. Hero utilizes “stuff” to refer to Beatrice's intelligence and common appreciation for Benedick. She portrays Beatrice as being opened for love and willing to accept Benedick, in all his pitiful stuff. Beatrice is able to fall in love with Benedick, nonetheless. Thus, stuff has a spiritual connotation and depicts inner thoughts and feelings in the following passage:
Hero: O god of love! I know he doth deserve As much as may be yielded to a man; But Nature never framed a woman’s heart Of prouder stuff than that of Beatrice. Disdain and scorn ride sparkling in her eyes, Misprizing what they look on; and her wit Values itself so highly (III, i, 47-53)
Hero intentionally manipulates Beatrice so the latter and Benedick could fall in love. In this particular passage, Hero is aware of Beatrice listening in as the former is acknowledging Benedick’s love for Beatrice. “Stuff” portrays an internal sensation that Beatrice feels. Hero describes Benedick as deserving of Beatrice’s love (III, i, 47). This suggests that Benedick has unique “stuff”. Hero contests that Beatrice should think carefully before continuing to slam Benedick with her witty remarks (III, i, 51-53). Thus, Hero represents Beatrice’s “stuff” as representing inner thoughts and feelings in regard to Benedick; this feeling is mutual and spiritual.
While “stuff” may initially refer to Beatrice’s feelings and her internal matters of the heart, many additional definitions present contrasting viewpoints. “Stuff” portrays somebody’s possession. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, presents “stuff” to incorporate internalized feelings. These feelings could be put into action, where Beatrice and Benedick fall in love because of their “stuff” for one another. From the play, we can see a greater picture than first concluded. The “stuff” exhibits internal as well as external characteristics of Beatrice that coexist throughout the play. This shows the audience a different form of the overall picture and one that gains new meaning to the passage and the rest of the story. While most scenes contribute to one’s inner feelings and emotions, they may also represent one’s physical characteristics and a sense of confirming one’s thoughts, thus putting the thoughts into action and constructing a sense of reality. Throughout the play, there have been ample contributions of “stuff” to present internal thoughts and beliefs. “Stuff” may add to the original meaning as ways of representing the real and visible to appeal to the audience as something perceptible.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Parental Involvement in Education
Learning and Education Unite with Parent's Help
Parental Involvement in Education
We sometimes forget the importance and value of parental involvement and
support in our everyday lives in accordance with education. From the time we
are born, our parents spend their lives building a safety net for us, a
foundation for the basis of growing up on and for expanding ourselves into
adulthood. Once we enter our first years of school, we sometimes get lost in
the process of what should happen next, without the guide by our parents.
Ultimately, parents want their children to grow up and be independent people.
However, parental involvement in schools can greatly maximize student’s
learning and overall educational experience. Parental involvement in education is an important issue to consider today, where the world of technology is growing, expanding its’ borders beyond capacity. In the urban world, there is a sense of growth in cities and neighborhoods, expanding America geographically, economically, etc. More and more parents are working, especially moms, because of this transformation. They are going back to work to support their family and make something better for themselves, while their children are growing up in a society without their parents helping them with hw, projects, or even simple things like discussing issues or communicating in general. This ultimately creates a sense of friction and confusion for the children, as parents are essentially their direct authoritative figure and role model to look up to. Parents are children’s prime educators, as they enhance their children’s skills and overall well-being. Parents evoke aspects of home learning, which the child will eventually adapt to and utilize while transitioning into a school setting environment and beyond. However, if the parents are both working and do not make time for their children, the latter are then lost and confined to figuring things out for themselves, which might not be easy. Parent’s simple attention to their children will have a positive effect on the latter’s education and overall success in life.
Code of Ethics, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) |
In the Code of Ethics, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) examines parental influence on children’s education. It suggests the belief that parents have a profound effect on children; it assumes a prominent value that indicates parents are basically and crucially significant. It continues to represent a foundation of working with parents as partners in care in the ethics section. The Code of Ethics ultimately signals how children learn, given the most appropriate environment, which indefinitely includes parental involvement.
Focus on the Ethics of a child's school environment with the parent's help |
Maria Montessori quoted, “The idea that the school must be part of the community and involve the parents if education is to be effective”. This conceptual idea reinforces the fact that parents play an active and direct devotee role in their children’s educational experience. Before children go to school for the first time, it is their parents/caregivers who care for them and teach them “how to make it in the real world”. This aspect will be carried out into the children’s adulthood and will ultimately translate into the children being in a securely stable set of mindset within any given educational environment.
Starting early is the key, as what children are instilled in at a young age will be carried with them throughout their lifetimes. Children need to be excited to learn new things. In addition, they need to feel love and be wanted. Parents provide this crucial feature and should continue to enable communication, participation, and overall involvement with their children; even if they both work, parents often create a positive and motivational environment.
Montessori Schooling |
In an article entitled” PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOLS PRESSED”, Priscilla Van Tassel suggests that parents’ role in education needs to ultimately be scrutinized, for the children’s concern. There is an overall effort taking place to instill common communication and participation among parents and students in education. The article focuses on fostering parental involvement by initially providing them with resources and different ways of going about it. Some examples include simply taking out sometime during that day to talk with children regarding daily events, daily checking their homework, etc. These aspects should essentially benefit the children as parents become closer, and more involved.
Ultimately, education is a process and parental involvement will positively influence children’s studies, as well as their complete educational experience. The goal is to encourage parents to partake in their children’s lives in general, which will translate into their education. There is also a parent-teacher involvement campaign which incorporates parents and teachers communicating with each other regarding the student. The article states,’ Research shows a clear correlation between parents' help at home and student achievement.'' Additionally, parents basically have first-hand knowledge of their children and their personalities, and with that they may discuss what can be done with a teacher in the school to enhance the child’s education and success.
In another article, “School to Parents: Volunteer, or Else!” Katharine Mieszkowski suggests parents need to volunteer actively, specifically in their children’s schools, and their reward would be a check, depending on the amount of hours they put in. It seems as a small bribe for the parents; however it is beneficial for the student’s sake. This active and direct approach instills a positive idea to children. They see their parents are involved with their schooling, and would feel empowered to try their best to succeed. This is a great motivator as well. The article quotes, “...to engage them with their children’s learning, even providing parents with academic training in core math and reading strategies.” As it seems, parents are to be given some homework for themselves, in terms of contributing themselves wholeheartedly to their children’s education. Their involvement would include actual learning of the children’s topics, which is as specific as it gets. The article essentially digresses to ensure the fact that it is a volunteer position, which is optional; as parents may have multiple jobs, not all parents could physically involve themselves for however many hours intended. Though, they have the choice and will be given brochures to find out about all the information. Both articles push for parental involvement in schools for the benefit of the students succeeding and growing up into motivated adults that share their parents respect.
Parental involvement is virtually evoked from the parents’ overalls sense of commitment; it is combined with their active participation and utmost devotion to bettering their children’s lives. Parental involvement is more than just checking children’s’ hw. It is a lifestyle that parents and children should essentially adjust to. It builds communication, bonds, friendship, and trust. All of these characteristics enhance better child-parent relationships for the future.
Communication is the first step. Schools are the facilitators for children’s studies. The principals may be the mediators in aiding with the guidance. In an article, Duncan writes, “Principals are key contributors to helping parents and other educators understand each other” (Duncan, 1992, p. 13). This harmonious situation should accommodate both parents and teachers so they may efficiently work together and find ways to help their children succeed. In a research regarding parental involvement, Loucks writes, “Research shows that parent involvement in the school results in improved student achievement” (Loucks, 1992, p. 19). The previous evidence illustrates a positive correlation between parental involvement in schools and students achievement and educational success.
When parents get the chance to be fully involved with their children’s educational endeavors, they promote a feeling of control over their lives. This creates boundaries for parents to go beyond, and internally and externally motivate their children to work hard and succeed. Parents need to create goals, and follow through on them. Overall, the prospect is geared towards early involvement. This sets a foundation in elementary schools, where children will easily grasp the various concepts of how to pursue their lifestyles.
Parents first need to be aware of the situation of being involved. Then, they have to take direct action and make decisions on improving their children’s’ lifestyles at home first. They should create a home environment that encourages learning, communicate on certain expectations for the children’s achievements, and become involved with the child’s education at school as well as in the community. While these steps give the impression of evoking tedious relinquishes, they all translate to positive and comforting results for the children and the parents. Ultimately, parental involvement early in the educational process results in more powerful effects.
As stated before, parents need to start early, take initiative, and get involved. Speak with your children, interact with them, discuss idea with the principals and teachers at school, encourage intellectual growth, give them support, and love your children. Teachers should contribute as well, discussing issues with parents on how to better the situation, and be open minded on accepting different forms of educating the child. The principal will have the role as a mediator, working with the parent and teachers to try and resolve any conflicts, misunderstandings, miscommunication, etc. Last but not least, the child will have the role of listening, processing, communicating, and trying his or her best to talk openly and honestly with the parent/teacher/principle. With an open communicating vessel, many things can be accomplished. The schools may have PTA meetings more often, schedule school bake sales for parent-teacher interactions weekly, and have parent-teacher conferences every month as opposed to every 3-5 months. This will greatly benefit the children involved and will encourage intellectual growth and educational achievement. This way of showing love is unconventional and truly fulfilling. It is active, direct, instilling, and effective. Children will learn from their parents/teacher/principals and vice verse. Thus, parental involvement is an immeasurable act that will create positive results and promote children’s overall success.
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