Friday, September 27, 2013

Tasty Remedy for a Cold

This unique old fashioned Russian-based concoction is great for the average cold/temperature. The remedy incorporates a nice combo of ingredients most suitable for the body to accept and heal itself.

The thing to remember is that when you start to get a cold and feel drowsy and have sinuses, this hot drink will warm all of your insides up and provide you with a layer of protection within your body. In addition, drinking egg with milk as a combination enhanced your ability to fight off any infections and gain immune strength and better function.

The ingredients are: one egg yolk, 1/2 cup of heated milk, 1/4 teaspoon of maple syrup, teaspoon of butter, mix all ingredients in a blender, lastly add a teaspoon of baking soda. If you want a more appealingly smooth drink, put the mixture through a mesh strainer. Enjoy!

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