Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidays to all!

Hi lovely!

As we are wrapping up 2013, let's do so with humility and honesty. Your emotions may be a bit sad or happy now, depending on where you currently are in your life. Whatever the reason, remember that you are here to become your true self, spiritually. A new year brings new opportunity, new potentials, and new heights. One of the best things to do before the year comes to a close, is to reflect on where you are right now. Write down all the things that you have accomplished this year. What are you proud of? Did you organize your room, help a friend, spend time with your loved ones, learn something new about yourself? Every step that you make in your life should be acknowledged. Accept it and be true to yourself!

Once you have fully reconnected with yourself, write down some potential ideas for goals for the new year. They shouldn't be something like "lose weight" or "buy a house", that's too much pressure! Something simple like "I will change something about myself to make me a better person", or whatever you feel has to change within you. Baby steps is key. Once you have it written down, put it somewhere where you can see it on a daily basis, possibly on a mirror or your refrigerator. Let this be a motivator for a renewed YOU. Happy Holidays to all! xo

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